Method Overview 

The Right Brain Reading Method is:

  • fun

  • engaging

  • one on one

  • centered around the learner’s interests

  • predictable and has structured learning activities

  • errorless learning

  • able to be taught in small groups

  • expandable as reading level progresses

  • successful way to learn to read

  • easy to teach

  • good for beginning readers and struggling readers

  • usable in a classroom setting as well as in individual or small groups

  • research driven with neuroimaging research on how the brain processes information when reading


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New research supports Right Brain Reading.

See drastic improvement in reading ability and self confidence using proven neurologically supported method.

Neuroimaging research has shown that struggling readers activate different areas of their brain when reading and that a mistiming in visual and auditory processing occurs, causing them to stumble over words and not be able to sequence the sounds to read accurately.

Bypass this faulty processing and access the right hemisphere by reading words holistically to connections students already have. Neuroplasticity of the brain enable them to be reading using a Right Brain Reading method.

This method is easy to use, works for students of all ages, can be used in learning support and in the classroom.

High buy-in by students, as they are very engaged and enthusiastic using Right Brain Reading method.

Students are proud of their progress and success.

Contact me or click here to find out about upcoming workshops.