
Results From Two Years of Right Brain Reading Method Support

We had exciting results from the two years, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017, we used the Right Brain Reading Method in our Learning Support room and did our Professional Learning Community (PLC) around this method.

We worked with students from grades one to five who typically would have been receiving support from the Learning Support Teachers in a phonetic reading intervention model.

Most of these students were significantly behind in their reading progress. We were thrilled to see how much these students grew using this method! 

Some of our grade 2 and grade 3 students made two years growth in one year! 

They were so proud of their accomplishments! Their families were grateful for this method, which allowed their child to become a reader and blossom as a learner. 

Their teachers were amazed at the improvement in their reading and their attitude as a learner.

The students could state that this method was how they could learn to read – it really resonated with them.  

All of the students showed growth not just in their reading skills as measured by a standardized reading assessment, but also in their confidence, engagement in their learning and the number of words they could read. 

It was rewarding to do this work with them and honor how their brain learned to read. They would come in, all ready to work and excited for the session.  There were some students that progressed so quickly and naturally through these sessions, that it was almost hard to keep up with them!

Many students had more than a year’s growth within one year of using the Right Brain Reading method. Some students responded so well to this method that they didn’t need to continue receiving learning support.  Other students continued to grow over the two years, with their reading near or at grade level.

There were many students who had not made any significant progress in their reading level over the past 3,4 or 5 years, yet they responded tremendously to the Right Brain Reading method. All the Grade Four students made growth that was exceptional when compared to their previous progress. Their growth was statistically significantly, as analyzed by UVIC stats department.

To read more about this in detail, click here.
