Results from Right Brain Reading Method

2015-2016 & 2016-2017 Grades One to Five


Grade Four 2016 Grade Five 2017 reading results

All of these Grade Four (2016) students were non-readers before starting with this method. All of them had made almost no growth in three years of a traditional reading intervention method. After two years with this program, they have made tremendous growth.

Student L made progress, despite not attending school on a regular basis - they missed more than 70% of classes.

Student M is a determined learner and they soon came in proudly with chapter books they were reading.

Student N was writing their own stories with amazing spelling accuracy at the end of the two years.

Student O combined their amazing artistic ability to create illustrated books independently.

Student Dd made progress for their one year participation. They did not attend school on a regular basis.


Grade Three 2016 Grade Four 2017 Students results

All of these students made great progress with the Right Brain Reading Method after having made minimal progress for the previous three years.

Two students on this graph (J & Cc) made two years’ growth in one year. For other students, it was the first time they had ever been within grade level in their reading.


Results from Grade Two 2016 & Grade Three 2017 students
Students D, E, F, G, Aa & Bb

Students D and E have designations of mild intellectual abilities and their reading progress was so exciting to see.

Student F was in French Immersion for their Kindergarten and Grade One year. F had a brief session (6 weeks) in Spring 2016 and in March 2017 read level 21.

Student G is very dyslexic yet they read at level 22 with 95% accuracy and excellent comprehension in March 2017.

Students Aa and Bb grew two years in one year’s intervention and no longer need reading support.


Reading Progress over two years
Grade One & Grade Two students

Students A and B both have very poor scores on DIBELS  and CTOPP assessments, which look at the ability to process words sequentially, rather than holistically.

Both Students A and B are unable to segment words or sounds, yet they can read their words using this method successfully and fluently in multiple contexts. 

Student C started in April 2016 and made growth in only 2 months of support. 

(DIBELS - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)
(CTOPP - Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing